miércoles, 14 de octubre de 2015


My contribution at this stage of the project was to carry out various activities for the construction of the prototype since support to my colleagues for a better realization of every thing. also bring in the part of electronics in the motor control and development of machines, finally perform activities dissertation document which contains everything that we did but in writing. My achievements at the moment are the understanding of all and each of the things and interest in the project, all members of the team are more than satisfied by the performance of each one and wanted to do the work. This it remains you to make automatic control of motors.

domingo, 11 de octubre de 2015

Engineering Project

Bionic Arm
2.06 Kg
Price Positioning Arm
Price Hand Placement
Tone Arm

Getting people who have a disability in one of his arms or completely miss them, can have a better quality of life, rejoining best to a normal life.
Hand 10.8 cm
Arm 14.6 cm
Forearm 18.6 cm
Shoulder 12.9 cm
Polyester liquid resin
Electronic components
Neuronal Diadem

How it works:
The design of the robotic arm is based on a molecular development interprets patient muscle contractions, the system can record this artificial arm through three signal electrodes and control the movement of the prosthesis.
"When you want to raise your hand to the face should be done in the biceps muscle contraction and the electrochemical current is recorded at the level of the skin, then an invisible grid of power recognizes"
Since 2008, 150 people have benefited from the prototype prosthesis developed with the help of Conacyt Bravo, but the entrepreneur expects to marketing aid can reach 13 thousand people.

Such projects become part of MDG's, as this project to help eg MG No. 2, which refers to education, child or person may write with the help of one of his arms and this is a big Advance.