martes, 18 de noviembre de 2014

Parts, functions and locations..

Fuel gauge: Serves for the measurement of fuel consumption.
Engine: Is a machine designed to convert energy into useful mechanical motion.
Drive shafts: is a mechanical component for transmitting torque and rotation.
Pipeline: Consists in transforming a data flow in a process covered by several sequential stages
Fuel tank: is a safe container for flammable fluids.
Brake: un dispositivo mecánico que impide movimiento
Silencer: Makes the car quieter
Exhaust pipe: is usually piping used to guide reaction exhaust gases away from a controlled combustion inside an engine.

1.- The engine is at the front of the car.
2.- The Drive shafts is at the bottom on the left of the engine.
3.- The Pipeline is below of the engine.

4.- The fuel gauge is in the center of the car.
5.- The Fuel tank is at the rear of the car. 
6.- The Brake is at the bottom of the fuel tank.
7.- The Exhaust pipe is below of the car.

8.- The silincer is at the back of the car.

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